Homo Machina is a puzzle game inspired by the work of avant-garde scientist Fritz Kahn. Set off on a crazy journey to solve the surreal puzzles of Homo Machina and learn about the internal working of the human body, represented as a gigantic 1920s factory.
In this narrative puzzle, players are plunged into an ingenious system of nerves, vessels and valves. The aim is to help the body function correctly in about thirty steps or so throughout the entire day. Each scene breaks down daily acts, such as opening your eyes, chewing a toast or listening to music, through seamless navigation and intuitive gameplay.
Dr. Fritz Kahn (1888–1968) was a Berlin based gynaecologist and
popular science writer who visualized the structure and function of
the human body in a very unique way. His magnum opus “Das Leben des
Menschen” (The Life of Man, 1922–1931) fascinated laymen as well as scientists
with its visual analogies and metaphors and their unusually expressive and
contemporary design.